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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Brownie in Machu Picchu

Hi, I am Brownie and I want to tell you about a very special place I visited. The lost Inca city of Machu Picchu. It is in Peru, in South America, and we call it lost because for a very long time everyone forgot that it existed.

The Inca people built this stone city on top of a hill, hundreds of years ago.When they decided to abandon it (we are not sure why) trees and shrubs grew over it. It stayed hidden and forgotten until an American called Hiram Bingham discovered its ruins about a hundred years ago.

This is how the whole city looks today:

It's not that easy to get up here. We could have walked on the old Inca Trail, but that would have taken us days. I don't think I can walk for days. So we came by train - I call it the Machu Picchu choo-choo:

This is me on the train. I was very comfortable:

During the ride I was sipping my new favorite drink, the local soda called Inca Kola. It tastes like bubble-gum. I love it!

After the train we had to take a bus to the top of the mountain. Here I am again, photo-bombing Machu Picchu, one of the most famous places in the world:

 We used the main gate to get into the city:

We explored all kinds of houses, and temples and even a tiny Royal Palace. They are all ruins, and they don't have roofs anymore, so they look something like this:

Can you see me? Can you? Can you?

This big stone, called the Intihuatana, was like a sun-dial for the Inca. They looked at it to decide when to plant and when to harvest, so it was very important to them:

Hey guys, stop sticking me into every window you find!

Here I am, just strolling on one of the "streets":

There was only one toilet in the whole town! Of course it was in the Royal Palace. This is it:

They told me that there are llamas in Machu Picchu, so I kept looking for them, but I didn't see any. Only a couple of chinchillas hiding among the rocks:

I was disappointed, but then in the town of Cusco, I met Pablo. A real llama! He was so cute and so soft!

We also saw lots of other animals, like dogs, cows, sheep and donkeys. My favorite is this baby donkey. Awww, how cute!

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